
Ist die Losung, die Gott durch die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde für 2007 auswählte, nicht das optimale Motto für unseren Dienst in Schweden?

Seht, ich schaffe etwas Neues! Jetzt wächst es auf. Merkt ihr es nicht?
Jesaja 43,19

Gott schafft Neues.
Es wächst schon.
Auch wenn wir noch nicht alles sehen.

* * *

Ever heard of the Moravians? Founded and led by Nick Count of Zinzendorf in the 18th century they have probably been one of the most missionary movements of Western history. Their today’s impact on Christianity is probably most of all through the “Watchwords”: A Bible verse for each day, week, month and year, drawn like lots out of a big bowl. Or should I say that God chooses fitting verses? At least the Watchword for 2007 fits perfectly as a motto to our coming year here in Gothenburg:

For I’m going to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Don’t you see it?
Isaiah 43:19

Isn’t that encouraging?
God is doing a brand new thing.
It is already growing.
Even if we don’t see everything.



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