Yes! Judy got a home! The lease is signed! Karen went along with Judy to do all the translation work. 70 square meters, connected to the same bus lines as the Meisels and us, a new build neighborhood with many opportunities to build up relationships, we’re all happy. You know, by looking for a home for Judy we were hearing many horrible stories about finding a flat in Gothenburg. Some waited several years to get a first hand contract, in the meantime they had take time limited sublet contracts. Judy with her first hand contract for a perfect spot after just three weeks sounds again like a miracle, doesn’t it? “Her” house will be finished by the end of November and at the 1st of December she may move in. We praise you, Lord!
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Unser Gott ist großartig!!!
Aber verratet uns doch mal etwas mehr ueber Judy (oder haben wir einfach unaufmerksam gelesen…?). Ein visueller Eindruck (Foto…) waere schon nett.
Gruesse “vom anderen Ufer”…
Ich finde es immer wieder ermutigend, von solchen Erlebnissen zu hören.
Ja, Gott beruft und sendet, und er versorgt.