
Judy liegt also nach wie vor auf einer Infektionsstation. Für sie selbst scheint alles unverändert, d.h. ihr Bein schmerzt lästig durch die begonnene Sepsis. Medizinisch geht es aber aufwärts, d.h. sie ist heute in ein anderes Zimmer verlegt worden und die Ärzte geben die Antibiotika jetzt nicht mehr IV sondern als Tabletten. Man erwähnt, dass nächste Woche eine Entlassung möglich sein könne, hält sich aber mit einem konkreten Termin noch bedeckt. Vielleicht möchte ihr jemand eine SMS schicken? Hier ist ihre Mobilnummer: +46-73-9035505

* * *

Here’s a brief Judy update: She’s still in hospital on the infection ward. For herself things seem to be still as they were, i.e. her leg is hurting and she stays most of the time in bed. From a medical view it’s developing well, she moved for instance to another room today and her antibiotics are now given as pills, no longer i v. The doctors say she might go home next week but they don’t mention a concrete day. May one of you would like to send a text message to her? Here’s her mobile: +46-73-9035505

1 comment

  1. Hello again-

    Thank you for the report today. I continue to be so concerned and wish there was a way to speak with Judy. My mobile phone will not text overseas, so email would be my only option.

    However, when you speak to her would you tell her again that the Eremic family is thinking of her and praying for her constantly and that we are VERY concerned about her condition. Do they still call this “sepsis?” I know how serious that can be. And is her leg pain still from a clot?

    I tried to email you, but don’t believe it went through. Someone from Germany sent me the address of m@rcus.info, but this did not appear to be an email address that I could access.

    If I could email a letter to Judy at YOUR address, perhaps you could print it out and take it to her?

    You can reach me at seremic@yahoo.com

    Thanks so much-

    Sarah Eremic

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