
This is a call into the English speaking world of my blog followers. We are looking for the book “This is the world we all want” by Tim Chester. We are considering translating the book into Swedish and making it a faith indroducing course that is more suitable for people far away from church and faith. We need a tool that it less aggressive and less systematically structured than alpha.

Unfortunatey, the book seems to be out of print. The few copies that are left are offered for very, very unchristian prices we’re not willing to pay.

Does anybody of you have a copy of the book you are willing to share with us? Does anybody know about a shop you can still buy it for the regular price? Ant other resources? Ideas? Thank you very much!!!


  1. Thanks for the hint. However, we're hoping for a cheaper copy of the book. I guess 85BP is too much for a book with 125 pages that was originally sold for a price around 10€.

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