
I’m very proud to announce that we’re having a second round of Thinklings this year, starting today. This is our guiding topic:

How do we give order, meaning, and resilience to Christ-communities under what are likely to be increasingly stressful circumstances? How shall the church maintain the integrity of our witness to the living God in turbulent times?

And our schedule looks as exciting as this:

Andrew Perriman (London, UK): What are the measurable signs of the age to come in the life and mission of the church?
Kevin Book-Satterlee (Granada, Spain): Church & Neighborhood - reviewing Tim Soeren's Everywhere You Look in light of The New Parish
Rob Jones (Kelso, Scotland): Learning ministry from the drop-in monastics
Tim Peebles (Bradford, UK: Piety, peoplehood, and prophecy in a post-Christian (but not post-biblical?) perspective
Falecia Sanchez (Granada, Spain): A Ministry of Presence As A Model For Discipleship
Marcus Fritsch (Gothenburg, Sweden): Ekklesia - heavenly politics in this world yet not of this world
Eric Curtiss (Colorado Springs, US): Christians in Democracy—What are we responsible for?
Paul Prins (Paris, France): Being Skeptical of Money and Power
April Te Grootenhuis Crull (Oviedo, Spain): Exploring a Theology of Power
Wrap up

We’re very much looking forward to what we will learn this time.

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