
Indeed, I do want you to step down as the head of Twitter. Because you are a visionary, Elon, and you dare to pursue your visions, even if they go against the general trend. For example, without you, the global auto industry was still stuck in its old 19th century thinking of internal combustion engines as modern day steam engines. To this day, they would still refuse to admit that another future is possible. But you have stirred up this thinking vigorously, and you have the means to do so. Ok, I also admit that I can’t really understand your talk of Mars any better than immature teenage dreams – but even that is so much closer to your gifts and abilities than Twitter of all places! Twitter is no longer a vision of the future, it is above all coming to terms with the past, where conservative armies of former times meet the realities of the present. You shouldn’t waste your time with this. Leave that to others, Elon, step down and get back to what you really can.



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